Wien Energie is one of those successful companies that are already using the logistics control system BLS from Rudolf Berthold Ges.m.b.H to the fullest and appreciate its flexibility and extensibility.
Read moreWien Energie is one of those successful companies that are already using the logistics control system BLS from Rudolf Berthold Ges.m.b.H to the fullest and appreciate its flexibility and extensibility.
Read more"Becoming a market leader with customer orientation", the Wietersdorfer & Peggauer Group has set itself this goal. The extremely high degree of automation using state-of-the-art technologies brings w&p closer to this goal.
Read moreInnovative projects and advanced measures – the sewage treatment plant of the Wastewater Association Wiener Neustadt Süd is constantly being modernized and expanded. Rudolf Berthold Ges.mb.H takes on responsibility for the fail-safe control technology with excellent success.
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Read moreThe EVN Abfallverwertung NÖ GmbH operates one of the most modern waste incineration plants in Dürnrohr. The recent upgrade to the logistics control system BLS thereby lifts the automated transport logistics again to the highest level.
Read moreThe international Baumit group modernizes the complete production control at the factory Sira? / Croatia. Rudolf Berthold Ges.m.b.H, a longstanding partner of Wieterdorfer & Peggauer for fail-safe control technology, was re-commissioned with the planning and implementation.
Read moreAfter extensive planning work and rapid implementation, in the Recycling Center Sturzgasse / Graz, one of the most modern detection and billing systems for waste disposal was put into operation in October 2015: the logistics control system BLS.
Read moreTwo projects that show Rudolf Berthold Ges.mbH again as multi-faceted problem solver: Wien Energie renews the entry scale in Simmering and integrates the access control for the energy center of the Otto-Wagner Hospital
Read moreThe aim of Renergia Zentralschweiz AG was clearly defined: making all processes from delivery to invoicing as automated as possible. At the beginning of 2015, the waste incineration plant entered operation – and with it, the unique BLS logistics control system.
Read moreBahnstraße 37, 2486 Pottendorf, Austria