
November 23, 2010

Bridge weighing without work on foundations

Let’s assume that you are planning major reconstruction work at your plant.
Despite optimal planning, the current plant entrance where dozens of HGVs must be weighed and processes every day cannot be used during the construction work.
There is now a solution to such problems which are also of interest for new constructions of bridge weighing plants:

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June 17, 2010

Tomorrow’s photovoltaic technology

A research-oriented photovoltaic plant was built on the site of the former EVN nuclear power station in Zwentendorf which was divided into two separate plants with different configurations, types and mounting types to investigate the wide range of applications for this future-oriented technology. The primary goal of the plant is to investigate the possible energy potential of new photovoltaic technology with the added intention of building up a collection of data on the behaviour of these systems in a network.

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February 25, 2010

Every second counts

Barriers prevent vehicles from entering areas without proper access or without registering in advance. Generally the speed at which barriers open is not taken into consideration but there are certain situations (e.g. car parks) where are relatively-high number of vehicles must be pushed through in a short period of time. Every second that the driver is forced to wait is a second too long.

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February 17, 2010

The magic of the slopes

Beautiful mountain landscapes, breath-taking snow and endless shining slopes. What sounds like an wonderful skiing holiday turned into an exciting job for our technicians in the Austrian Alps.

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December 24, 2009

Security in garbage burning plants

In Dürnrohr/Lower Austria EVN Abfallverwertung NÖ GmbH conducts the actual largest thermal garbage burning plant in Austria since 2004. 300.000 tons of garbage are transformed into usable energy every year.
Besides our dispatch automation control system VAS-II® and further successful realized projects, our newly developed digital video system will be used in the power plant as well.

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November 25, 2009

Mobile grout mixing plant

W&P – a well known manufacturer of cement and building material and member of the Baumit group has built a mobile mortar mixing plant in Latvia. Being a long lasting partner, W&P engaged us with erection of controlling system and visualization.

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